At our school, we believe your child deserves happy
Sunny Days
that build the foundation for a brighter tomorrow!
Just Three!
Suddenly, the children are excited to learn and explore. Emphasis is placed on communication and interaction to help build self-confidence and independence. Group activities and “circle time” help children establish relationships, and teach them how to socialize, listen, share, and communicate. Children also begin to master self-help skills like unpacking their backpacks or putting on their coats. During this time, parents and teachers will also work very closely together to determine the appropriate time to start toilet training. Toddlers also begin to learn basic concepts such as colors, shapes, and singing the alphabet. The art projects incorporate coloring, painting, drawing, etc., to develop fine motor skills and explore different sensory stimuli. Forming relationships and bonds with other children improves a toddler’s emotional and social growth and helps them understand their world and how they fit into it. To promote early writing skills, we utilize our Handwriting Without Tears
curriculum within this age group.
Dramatic Play at Home
Your child loves to imitate your actions. This is both natural and foundational to the learning process. When your child role-plays, he learns how to problem-solve and make sense of the world around him. Offer your child a range of dramatic play props and materials to foster a love for learning.
Dramatic play prop ideas:
* Collect old dishes, clothes, jewelry or other unused items.
*Recycle or reuse materials to make new props. For example, a PVC elbow makes a great play telephone.
*Save food packages for use in a pretend house or store.
*Inspire your child to be creative during pretend play by adding clay, play dough or other items that can be sculpted into anything.
*Cut out photos, characters from cereal boxes or drawings to create play people. Turn play people into puppets by taping on craft sticks.
*If you purchase toys, consider toys that have multiple pieces and do not have batteries. These toys encourage greater creativity.
*Keep it organized. Label and use boxes, crates or other containers to sort, store and organize play props.
Invite your child to help determine what other items to begin collecting, such as items to be a pirate, an astronaut or even a rock star. Helping your child's dramatic play collection will help your child's imagination grow.
Please make sure your child has a spare set of weather/season appropriate clothes. Also make sure to label everything especially jackets. Also please bring in a spray sunscreen labeled with your child's name. Thank you in advance.