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Music Time Today

Each Month, Miss Annette uses a different theme when working with the children. Here is an example of one month, where the children used hand bells and

learned how to read a musical scale!

Here is an example of one of the themes Miss Annette shares with the children: 

The "Bull in a China Shop" and "Also sprach Zarathustra" brings the scarves alive with much imagination for the children. The beautiful sound of Hand Bells is always welcomed. We will be reintroducing the musical scale C D E F G A B C. We will also be learning how to read music with the hand bells. Simplifying the lesson may be needed depending on the age group. Stay tuned how this played out in the next newsletter.


The children are learning some fun  songs. As you would guess most revolve around the instruments!


If you have any questions regarding the music program, please contact me at .


Have a great day!

Miss Annette

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